Our History
It all started at The Richmond Arms Pub. A legit English soccer pub. For years, if you were a Barça fan this was the place to be. Take a moment to walk down memory lane and see some of the faces and important events from our past.

Early photo
One of the earliest documented pictures on our Facebook Group. Carlos, Obed and Jose were some of the regulars at the Richmond Arms well before the words 'Houston Culés' were ever uttered.
Alejandro and Kaje Jay
It was Alejandro who came up with the name 'Houston Culés' for us, and if you were a Barça fan in Houston back then you definitely knew Kaje Jay.

A founding board member, Kosta reveals our first ever logo. This was also the first time we presented our new group name 'Houston Culés' to the public.
New Board of Directors
Our first meeting as an officially recognized penya #2261. Known to the club as Penya Blaugrana Houston - AICS. This also began our partnership with AICS - American Institute of Catalan Studies as our backing 501(c)(3).
Ruben, Victor, Ray, Mike, Hellena, Kosta and James (not present).

Just some regulars
Before and after the formation of the Houston Culés, this was always OUR room at The Richmond Arms Pub.
Barça Tour
When Barça came to Dallas, so did Houston.

Big turnouts
We had moved to a new bar, Revelry on Richmond for the years 2019 - 2021.
Today, all Barça fans of the space city can watch every match at The Velvet Oak Tavern.

Want to make more memories?
If you want to get involved with the penya and volunteer your time, please contact us. We are always looking for help. Whether that's our social media presence, membership management, raising monies for our sponsorships, or just volunteering for special events we would love to hear from you.